Ann Kenny Scholarship Program



Through advocacy, education and professional development, the National Capital Area Chapter of the Health Information Management & Systems Society (HIMSS NCA) promotes the development and improvement of healthcare information management as an essential contribution to quality patient care. HIMSS NCA meetings are held on the 3rd Thursday of the month. Attendance is free for students.

The HIMSS NCA Ann Kenny scholarship is awarded annually to students studying in the health management, health information or information systems management field. Scholarship awards are based on academic achievement and participation in health information or information systems management industry. The scholarship program makes an award of $2000 to one student in either of the two degree programs.


Degree Program Scholarships:

  • Graduate Program Scholarship
  • Undergraduate Program Scholarship


Purpose: The HIMSS NCA Ann Kenny Scholarship program was established to provide financial assistance and recognition to students who are pursuing health information or systems management degrees and are interested in helping to shape the future of the profession.

Objective: The program awards a scholarship to either a graduate or undergraduate student. 

Eligibility Requirements:

  • Active enrollment in a DC-metro area accredited university fulfilling the requirements for a health management, health information or management systems degree. Students attending an accredited school outside of the DC-metro area are ineligible for this program. 
  • Students must reside in the DC-metropolitan area (DC-MD-VA)
  • A grade point average of 3.0 or better
  • Membership in HIMSS; member of local HIMSS NCA chapter. Student membership is $30. Please visit here to sign up!
  • Applicant must be willing to participate as a volunteer on at least one HIMSS NCA committee for one (1) year. 


Applicants will be evaluated on the following criteria:

  • Meets or exceeds grade point of 3.0
  • Quality of recommendations
  • Quality of essay
  • Professional achievements
  • Membership/Participation in the HIMSS NCA chapter


Application Requirements include:

  • Submission of the HIMSS NCA Chapter Scholarship Application Form
  • Recent, official college transcripts, through the Fall semester 2024
  • Two letters of recommendation, one of which must be from a current school official. These are very important to help us evaluate applicants.
  • A short essay (2 pages) that addresses:
    • Why have you chosen this field? (1/2 page)
    • Why information management / information technology (IM/IT) is important to healthcare today? (1/2 page)
    • A discussion of a major issue facing the healthcare community today and how IM/IT can address the issue. (1 page)

Completed applications must be received by February 21, 2025

Link to Scholarship Application:

Questions? Please email